Gloria Gomez, PhD / co-founder, strategist, researcher / about me / publications

Educational Design Projects
Visual and Educational designer (June - December 2010)
Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC)
University of Otago (New Zealand)


mofy screenshot


During my tenure, I completed four projects: "My Otago First Year" website (see photo), the 2010 version of the "Otago Teaching Profile" (OTP) booklet, Video interviews on Tutoring & Demonstrating, and a proposal for an Evaluation Guide (EG) website

For the above projects, I used diverse research methods and instruments to identify suitable educational content for the implementation of online resources to be used by first year students, tutors, lectures working on the preparation of their academic advancement portfolio, and the design of student evaluations.

These self-publishing educational resources were developed in the Magnolia Content Management System and Microsoft Word, which were software applications that members of the Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC) already proficiently used.

Taken early at the start of the projects, the decision of using "non-designer" software meant that course managers, lecturers and tutors, plus student support experts could easily update each resource (content, photos, videos, links) without the need of a technical expert in the areas of design or information technology. Since the projects completion in late 2010, these websites have been updated a number times by the people directly responsible for them.

Combined, these projects of varied sizes created the opportunity to learn about this community of practice (i.e. HEDC) and their needs regarding autonomy in the process of designing educational resources to support learning activities within a university setting in a timely manner.


Conference presentation