Gloria Gomez, PhD co-founder, designer, researcher / about me / business activity / applied research / professional practice / greeting cards / teaching / publications / highlights / interviews


Gomez's research and teaching


  • User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design as these relate to human-centred product development with Bridging Design Prototypes
  • Design for business, entrepreneurship, and strategic design as these relate to early product development in SMEs
  • Interaction design as it relates to teaching and learning technologies (e.g., educational technology, interactive games, multimedia materials for educational activities)
  • User groups and user behaviours in relation to the design of socially inclusive products in the areas of education and health




OB3 - Online Forums Reimagined

Recent publications:




Gomez' BDP in preschool

Bridging Design Prototypes™

Designing socially inclusive products

Preschool concept mapping: an interaction design perspective

List of current and past research projects

Recent publications:




Ciudad Fantastica Screens

Educational design projects

Cmaptools software

Cmaptools website

LIDIE multimedia projects

La Ciudad Fantastica Game

Early work as undergraduate design student

Key publications


greeting cards sample

Greeting cards with an artistic twist. Just because cards | birthday cards | Christmas cards... and more to come, as the inspiration flows.


Gomez's teaching

Gomez's student exhibition

  • Current roles: supervision of postgraduate students in the areas of visual design, inclusive design, social design, and online medical education.
  • Previous roles: teaching and supervision of master students of mixed engineering and design backgrounds on human-centred design methods including the Bridging Design Prototype approach.




Article "Advancing ophthalmic education research at the Save Sight Institute.", Eye2Eye, 28, 80-81, 2024 RANZCO

Blog post "Bridging Design Prototypes (BDPs) – A design tool to resource sustainable, equitable, flexible learning", 5 December 2023, Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ)

Webinar When the wallabies meet with kiwis: Exploring student engagement. ASCILITE and FLANZ panel conversation. Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand, 21 September 2023.

Un marco teórico y cinco criterios para evaluar productos socialmente inclusivos. XIV Congreso de Enseñanza del Diseño 2023. Comisión A13 Metodologías de Diseño, Martes 1 de Agosto 2023, 15H00. En-línea desde la Universidad de Palermo, Argentina.

Diseñando productos socialmente inclusivos: Cómo hacer que nuestro diseño sea más socialmente inclusivo y accessible TRIBUTO Diseño Inclusivo, miércoles 10 de mayo 2023, 5:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. En-línea desde Corporación Universitaria Nacional de Colombia - CUN, Colombia.

Dr Gloria Gomez, co-founder of OB3 is one of the 30 women edtech leaders you should know, EduGrowth News, 7 March 2023

Diseñando productos socialmente inclusivos. Investigación en Diseño 2023. Red de Investigadores en Diseño. Segunda Edición. Comisión 13, Viernes 13 de Marzo 2023, 13H00. En-línea desde la Universidad de Palermo, Argentina.

Incrementando la participación en la educación a distancia, en-línea y asíncrona: Una perspectiva de diseño de interacción. Investigación en Diseño 2023. Red de Investigadores en Diseño. Segunda Edición. Comisión 5, Miércoles 1 de Marzo 2023, 17H30. En-línea desde la Universidad de Palermo, Argentina.

Section "Accessible Content and Digital Equity" in Scanning the Australasian Ed Tech Horizon: The 2021 - 2022 Contextualising Horizon Report. Section co-authored with Hazel Jones and James Birt. See pp. 26 - 29.

Artículo de investigación "Un marco de diseño inclusivo para estudiantes novatos en diseño de bioingeniería y rehabilitación" / Journal article "An inclusive design framework for novice students doing bioengineering and rehabilitation design" Base Diseño e Innovación, 7, 71 - 92. Co-authored with Sarah Wakes 

Jurado en las presentaciones en-línea de proyectos de año 2022 de la Formación UXDI en Experiencias Digitales Formación UXDI es una especialización educativa de Experiencia de Usuario y Diseño Inclusivo basada en el aprendizaje grupal con proyectos reales (“Learning by Doing”). Fui invitada a evaluar 9 proyectos desarrollados en base a diferentes Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU.

Talk "Community-centred design: Innovating with learners and educators using Bridging Design Prototypes". Ulearn22, October 12, Core Education

Design Educators Conversing with Health Educators on Lessons Learned from Teaching Online for More Than a Decade, Thursday, 22 September, 2022, Online from Pennsylavnia State University

Ponencia "Bridging Design Prototype”: Fortalecimiento del Rol del Diseño como Recurso Estratégico en Organizaciones Pequeñas". Presentada el Congreso (Virtual) de Enseñanza del Diseño 2022

ePoster Presentation Human-centred design with Bridging Design Prototypes, Ditial Health Week 2022, Digital Health & Informatics Network, 15 - 17 February 2022, University of Sydney, Australia

Gloria Gomez led online discussion about the work "A World of Many Worlds" by Marisol de la Cadena & Mario Blaser, Pluriversal Design SIG, Design Research Society, 27 November 2020

Online discussion on the paper "Bridging Design Prototypes and Autonomous Design" hosted by the Design Literacy International Network. Access to announcement and video recording here

Authored paper titled "Reflecting how the Bridging Design Prototype approach could contribute to the concept of Autonomía". Presented at Pivot 2020: Designing a world of many centers,New Orleans,USA. Link to full paper

Co-authored poster with Vaslak Rojas titled "Adaptando metodologías de diseño industrial para el desarrollo de ayudas técnicas inclusivas para la diversidad funcional". Presented virtually at Festival de La Imagen 2020, Caldas, Colombia.

Presenting at Festival de La Imagen 2020, co-authored a poster

Co-authored paper with Sarah Wakes titled "A framework to support inclusive design teaching and product evaluation: application in overcoming barriers in food preparation for elderly visual impaired people" . Presented virtually at the Designing of Inclusive Learning Experience Conference, Italy, 2019.

Coral Session on User Centric Design, 2015 Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Forum in Belgium

Gomez's at AAL2015

Panel member at 2015 EU Design Days in Belgium

Gomez's at DesignDays 2015

Speaker at ABIRA 2013 organised by Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano in Colombia

Gomez's at Abira 2013


SDEO article on EU proposal

Contact me: gloria [at] gloriagomez [dot] com
Last updated: 24 October, 2024